Get your SEXY baaaack… YEAH!

  1. tckj says:

    Right on!

  2. Carole says:

    Totally agree! Whenever I get a new man in my life, I look forward to being creative to keep the fire 🔥 burning red hot !

  3. Pati says:

    The blog is interesting and so true. When my husband & I haven’t been physical for too long, it shows in our relationship, we get sort of distant. When we have a regular love-life, we seem to talk more about our hopes, dreams and fears. When we keep close physically, we also keep close emotionally.

  4. ckayser says:

    Yes, Pati, I, and I’m guessing, MANY go thru this kind of cycle. I think it generally goes back to the fact that men need sex to feel emotionally connected, and we women need the emotional connection before we want sexual intimacy. It’s a hard dynamic. Both parties need to fulfill the each others’ needs to be able to connect and enjoy that sexual intimacy that brings SO MANY wonderful benefits – health benefits like increase in oxytocin, better sleep, less stress, etc. I’m encouraging women to nourish the LOVE within ourselves first so that we are able to give to our partners. Thank you for your comment, everyone! I think this convo is important and needs to happen…

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